SVDG Talks Emerging Tech Readiness
May 2nd, 2023
In the age of rapid technological advancement, the landscape of warfare is evolving at a breathtaking pace, opening doors to a future brimming with possibilities and challenges. As we embrace this new era, we witness the transformative power of trade, cyber-security, non-state actors, and social media algorithms, reshaping the very nature of conflict and national security. While countless thought leaders strive to harness the potential of cutting-edge technologies to redefine the battlegrounds of tomorrow, the Department of Defense (DOD) constantly adapts to these emerging realities, learning from pivotal events like 9/11 and Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
As diverse new threats that the DOD has neither budgeted nor trained for emerge, arguably faster than ever before, the only way to ensure we are prepared is by investing in an enduring capability equipped to counter and overcome existing and emerging threats. Silicon Valley Defense Group, a non-profit founded by a small group of venture capitalists who backed defense tech during Operation Enduring Freedom (Global War on Terrorism 2001-2021), calls this enduring capability “Emerging Technology Readiness (ETR).”