HASC Congressional Delegation and Staff Delegation @ Playground Global

In September, SVDG had the privilege of hosting three important engagements with Congressional Delegations from the House Armed Services Committee (HASC) in the Bay Area.

At the beginning of the month, we welcomed Representative Don Bacon (R-NE) and HASC staff for two insightful lunches at Playground Global's office. Most recently, we hosted Chairman Mike Rogers (R-AL), Ranking Member Adam Smith (D-WA), and 11 other members of HASC for a National Security & Emerging Technology Policy Salon Dinner. This event brought together key legislators, industry leaders, and venture capital for a high-impact dialogue.

The events provided a unique platform for candid dialogue on the intersection of cutting-edge technology and national security policy. Topics ranged from advancing innovation within the defense sector to ensuring the United States maintains a competitive edge in emerging technologies.

We believe these engagements are essential to addressing the critical challenges our nation faces and fostering solutions that protect U.S. interests globally.


Lunch and Learn - Exploring the INDOPACOM Innovation Security Cooperation Landscape


Lunch and Learn - Digital Warfare: Driving Capability Through Experimentation